emotional wellness services

Generally speaking, coaching services are more focused in the present circumstances + not a substitute for mental health therapy as these differ in nature + scope of practice.

We are still able to help with feelings of anxiousness, depression, working through difficult life stages, relationships + more.

meet our emotional wellness coaches

Brenna Davey

Brenna has over 18 years of experience. She holds an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice, a Bachelors Degree in Forensic Psychology and a Masters Degree in Social Work. 

Fed up with conventional systems and their band-aid solutions, she is an advocate for the whole body (mind/body/spirit) perspective. 

She is passionate about trauma-informed care, empowering through awareness and education and by using simple and accessible ways to enhance your life and well-being.

Linsey Lott

Linsey’s background includes LCSW, certified life coach + clinical hypnotherapist with a specialized focus on trauma.

After a cancer diagnosis of her own, she experienced the deeper meaning of - “your healing is never finished.”

She believes everyone has everything they need within themselves to heal from trauma, release limiting beliefs, overcome fears, connect to their authentic selves and create wholeness in mind, body and soul.