


menstrual misfits


Menstrual Misfits is 8 weeks to happier, healthier menstrual cycles + a TON of education. This is a comprehensive course focused on educating the menstruating female regarding what’s normal + what’s not.

You’ll also take the education you learn to help smash heavy, painful periods + pesky PMS!

Next course starts: June 2023

fertility awareness


You will learn the ins and outs of the changes that happen throughout the menstrual cycle + how to utilize that information to monitor health, avoid pregnancy or achieve pregnancy.

This can be beneficial whether you are currently utilizing birth control or not. If you are currently ON HORMONAL CONTRACEPTIVES you will not be able to APPLY the information to yourself until you have a cycle return.

You can still take the information + learn so that you will understand how to apply it when you STOP hormonal birth control.

unconventional collaborative


Are you a health or wellness professional who is looking to elevate your practice?

Look no further. Unconventional Collaborative was founded by myself + Laura Ligos, RD CSSD.

Unconventional collaborative is a virtual space for practitioners to collaborate, learn from each other + develop a stacked referral network of wellness professionals in all areas of practice!